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  • Borosilicate Windows Borosilicate Windows BOROFLOAT® Borosilicate Windows are ideal for high temperature and harsh environment applications. With its excellent shock and thermal resistance property, borosilicate window products can mainta...
  • Cold & Hot Mirror Cold & Hot Mirror Heat mirrors and cold mirrors are special bandpass filters that can reflect infrared light and ultraviolet light and only allow visible light to pass through, also known as heat-absorbing filters, als...
  • Dichroic Filter Dichroic Filter Hyperion Optics’s complete range of cost effective dichroic filter range offers superior transmission, reflection and absorption characteristics. Key Features:Sharp transition from reflection to transmis...
  • Concave Mirror Concave Mirror The concave mirror is the reflection imaging, it is not the light through, but the reflection back to the imaging instrument, the light observes the reflection law. A concave mirror is a spherical mir...
  • YAG Crystal YAG Crystal Undoped YAG Crystal is an excellent material for UV-IR optical windows, particularly for high temperature and high energy density applications. The mechanical and chemical stability is comparable to s...
  • Fluorescence Filters Fluorescence Filters Fluorescent filters are a class of filters classified by application type.Fluorescence filter is a fluorescence imaging filter for biomedical and life science instruments, the key components, the main...
  • Dichroic Mirror Dichroic Mirror Hyperion Optics’s complete range of cost effective dichroic filter range offers superior transmission, reflection and absorption characteristics.Dichroic filters consist of thin film dielectric coatin...
  • Dielectric HR Mirror Dielectric HR Mirror Reflective film from the coating material can generally be divided into two categories, one is the metal reflective film, one is all dielectric reflective film.Media reflection film using the principl...
  • Right Angle Prism Right Angle Prism Right angle prisms turn light through 90° by internal reflection from the hypotenuse, or 180° from two right angle surfaces. When the light incident angle is perpendicular to the right angle surface...
  • Neutral Density Filter Neutral Density Filter Neutral gray-scale filter is a non-selective filter, that is, ND mirror for a variety of different wavelengths of light to reduce the capacity is the same, uniform, only to weaken the role of light, a...
  • Elliptical Mirror Elliptical Mirror Elliptical mirror is still a flat mirror, but the shape is cut into an oval, and the outer circle and the mirror into a 45 ° angle. When the elliptical mirror is mounted in the optical path by 45 [de...
  • Parabolic Mirrors Parabolic Mirrors Parabolic reflectors are used to collect energy from a distant source (for example sound waves or incoming star light). Since the principles of reflection are reversible, parabolic reflectors can also...
  • Parabolic Mirror Parabolic Mirror Hyperion Optics offer custom parabolic mirrors for use from the UV(200 to 400nm) to the IR (1to 40µm) wavebands. Parabolic mirrors are typically designed as a segment of a larger...