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Dichroic Filter

  • Introduction

Dichroic Filter

Hyperion Optics’s complete range of cost effective dichroic filter range offers superior transmission, reflection and absorption characteristics.

Key Features:

  • Sharp transition from reflection to transmission
  • High transmission in pass band
  • Hard coatings and no adhesives for long filter life span
  • All dielectric coated with IBS technology

Factory Standard – Contact us for manufacturing limit or custom specifications

  • Angle of Incidence: 45.0°
  • Shortpass Type Transmittance: Tabs>85%
  • Dimensions: 25.2mm*35.6mm*1.1 mm
  • Clear Aperture: >95%
  • Operating Temperature: -45°C ~ 85°C
  • Physical Durability: MIL-C-48497A
  • Longpass Type Transmittance: Tabs>90%
  • Reflection Band: Rabs>98%
  • Thickness Tolerance: ±0.1 mm
  • Transmitted Wavefront: 1/4λRMS@633nm (per inch)
  • Environmental Durability: MIL-STD-810F
  • Substrate: UV Grade Fused Silica

Dichroic optical filters consist of thin film dielectric coatings on glass and exhibit sharp transitions between transmitted and reflected wavelengths. Dichroic filters are similar to traditional interference filters but differentiate themselves by reflecting all unwanted wavelengths. Consequently our dichroic range also offers minimal absorbance characteristics.

Our dichroic filters are available in longpass, shortpass, bandpass, bandblocking and colour correction types over a range of wavelengths. Dichroic shortpass and longpass filters can also act as hot and cold mirrors respectively. 

Dichroic filters can divide natural light from a certain wavelength into two parts, one of which passes through, and the other is reflected or absorbed. Filters that allow longer wavelengths of light to pass through are referred to as long wave pass filters, and filters that allow shorter wavelengths of light to pass through are referred to as short wave pass filters.

The desired spectral range can be achieved by using different dichroic filters.

Dichroic Longpass Filters
Cut-On Wavelength Transmission Wavelength Reflection Wavelength Wavelength Range(nm) Wavefront Tolerance Material Diameter
400 420-1600 350-375 350-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
450 470-1600 350-430 350-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
500 520-1600 350-480 350-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
550 575-1600 415-515 415-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
600 625-1600 460-570 460-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
650 675-1600 495-610 495-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
700 725-1600 535-600 535-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
750 780-1600 565-715 565-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
800 830-1600 600-760 600-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
850 880-1600 635-805 635-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
900 935-1600 675-855 675-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25

Dichroic Shortpass Filters

 Dichroic Shortpass Filters

Dichroic Shortpass Filters
Cut-Off Wavelength Transmission Wavelength Reflection Wavelength Wavelength Range(nm) Wavefront Tolerance Material Diameter
400 325-385 420-485 325-485 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
450 325-430 470-545 325-545 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
500 325-480 520-610 325-610 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
550 400-530 575-725 400-725 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
600 400-580 625-795 400-795 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
650 400-630 675-850 400-850 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
700 400-680 725-990 400-990 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
750 400-725 800-990 400-990 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
800 400-775 850-1050 400-1050 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
850 880-1600 635-805 635-1600 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25
900 400-820 910-1110 400-1110 1/4λ Fused Silica 12.5 25

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